Monday, November 28, 2016

Depot Park: NEW!

           If you've been in Gainesville for awhile and think you have seen it all, you might not know about Depot Park, which after months of construction, opened on August 20th.          The park cost about $6 million, and the city of Gainesville hopes it will serve as a fun space for adults and children. 

The playground area has different themes serving as a historical look through Gainesville's different cultures. The playground has a smokestack-like tower to climb on and tunnels made of faux pipes, representing Gainesville’s industrial side.

  If you're brining kids, dress them in clothes that can get WET! 
         Yes, there is a small waterfall and splash pads that squirt water from the ground. This really keeps kids of any age entertained for awhile and gives Depot a water-park type feel. 

If you're not on the playground, there is still plenty to do. There are places to picnic and rest under the pavilion, a beautiful view of the pond the is within Depot Park and short hikes around the surrounding area. You can take a stroll on the paved trail through the natural wetlands behind the pond. You can also grab a snack at the Depot General Store that has food, drinks and other goodies! 

There's plenty to do in Depot Park and it is a brand new attraction to Gainesville that as a resident, you have to show some love to. Bring your whole family or all your friends on a beautiful day. Depot Park also plans to construct a museum on the northern end, so take a trip now and next year when the museum is ready! I will keep the blog updated when that museum appears! Have fun and explore Gainesville, Florida. 

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